Dr. Melanie S Lang

Harborview Medical Center NPI1861486458

Open Payments


The following payment details are based on a national transparency program known as the Sunshine Act that collects and publishes information about financial relationships between the health care industry (i.e. drug and device manufactures) and providers. These relationships may involve payment to providers for things such as research, speaking engagment, travel, gifts etc. Not all of these payment involve monetary compensations and may include batering of drugs or devices.

Total Payment Worth

from 27 payments in the last 6 years

Total Cash or Cash Equivalent

from 17 payments in the last 6 years

Total In-kind Items & Services

from 10 payments in the last 6 years

Nature of Payments

Last 6 Years
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Yearly Breakdown

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Payment Details

Date Payment Type Form of Payment Item/Service Payment Amount
10/01/2021 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $43.52 Details
Payment from Medical Device Business Services, Inc.
Payment Record ID 787782369
09/30/2021 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $24.85 Details
Payment from Medical Device Business Services, Inc.
Payment Record ID 787782361
05/09/2019 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Food and Beverage $17.59 Details
Payment from Nobel Biocare USA
Payment Record ID 705536537
11/15/2019 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Travel and Lodging $454.60 Details
Payment from AXOGEN
Payment Record ID 697638629
11/15/2019 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Travel and Lodging $558.00 Details
Payment from AXOGEN
Payment Record ID 697638625
11/15/2019 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $546.93 Details
Payment from AXOGEN
Payment Record ID 697638621
11/14/2019 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $34.24 Details
Payment from AXOGEN
Payment Record ID 697638549
03/11/2018 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Travel and Lodging $226.00 Details
Payment from Stryker Corporation
Payment Record ID 592855053
03/10/2018 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Food and Beverage $14.33 Details
Payment from Stryker Corporation
Payment Record ID 592854885
03/09/2018 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Food and Beverage $144.99 Details
Payment from Stryker Corporation
Payment Record ID 592854361
03/09/2018 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Food and Beverage $35.67 Details
Payment from Stryker Corporation
Payment Record ID 592854297
03/08/2018 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Food and Beverage $10.79 Details
Payment from Stryker Corporation
Payment Record ID 592853231
02/22/2018 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Travel and Lodging $376.60 Details
Payment from Stryker Corporation
Payment Record ID 592847171
10/16/2018 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Food and Beverage $131.04 Details
Payment from KLS-Martin L.P.
Payment Record ID 549122677
10/12/2017 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $46.66 Details
Payment from Pacira Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
Payment Record ID 510715779
09/22/2016 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $43.19 Details
Payment from Pacira Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
Payment Record ID 417519611
10/07/2016 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Travel and Lodging $297.20 Details
Payment from Stryker Corporation
Payment Record ID 393599940
10/07/2016 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Travel and Lodging $61.84 Details
Payment from Stryker Corporation
Payment Record ID 393599904
10/07/2016 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Food and Beverage $20.65 Details
Payment from Stryker Corporation
Payment Record ID 393599872
10/07/2016 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Food and Beverage $20.49 Details
Payment from Stryker Corporation
Payment Record ID 393599840
10/07/2016 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Food and Beverage $1.29 Details
Payment from Stryker Corporation
Payment Record ID 393599805
10/06/2016 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Food and Beverage $91.27 Details
Payment from Stryker Corporation
Payment Record ID 393599766
08/19/2016 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Travel and Lodging $250.20 Details
Payment from Stryker Corporation
Payment Record ID 393599730
01/19/2016 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Food and Beverage $10.53 Details
Payment from Stryker Corporation
Payment Record ID 393599692
04/16/2016 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Travel and Lodging $540.80 Details
Payment from Synthes GmbH
Payment Record ID 362633192
04/16/2016 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $124.00 Details
Payment from Synthes GmbH
Payment Record ID 362627866
04/16/2016 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Compensation for serving as faculty or as a speaker for an accredited or certified continuing education program $1250.00 Details
Payment from Synthes GmbH
Payment Record ID 362621216