Bader Abdeen

Periodontics NPI1114290798

Open Payments


The following payment details are based on a national transparency program known as the Sunshine Act that collects and publishes information about financial relationships between the health care industry (i.e. drug and device manufactures) and providers. These relationships may involve payment to providers for things such as research, speaking engagment, travel, gifts etc. Not all of these payment involve monetary compensations and may include batering of drugs or devices.

Total Payment Worth

from 41 payments in the last 6 years

Total Cash or Cash Equivalent

from 6 payments in the last 6 years

Total In-kind Items & Services

from 35 payments in the last 6 years

Nature of Payments

Last 6 Years
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Yearly Breakdown

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Payment Details

Date Payment Type Form of Payment Item/Service Payment Amount
06/28/2021 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $16.25 Details
Payment from Dentsply Sirona Inc
Payment Record ID 854184567
12/06/2021 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Food and Beverage $12.15 Details
Payment Record ID 783867897
03/01/2021 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Food and Beverage $14.61 Details
Payment Record ID 783867895
12/07/2020 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Food and Beverage $14.32 Details
Payment from Philips Electronics North America Corporation
Payment Record ID 751361903
11/18/2020 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Food and Beverage $19.18 Details
Payment from Geistlich Pharma, North America, Inc.
Payment Record ID 733990163
01/06/2020 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Food and Beverage $16.01 Details
Payment from Geistlich Pharma, North America, Inc.
Payment Record ID 733990157
02/11/2020 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $59.31 Details
Payment from BioHorizons Implant Systems Inc.
Payment Record ID 714903315
01/27/2020 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $18.51 Details
Payment from BioHorizons Implant Systems Inc.
Payment Record ID 714903295
10/04/2019 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $41.10 Details
Payment from Straumann USA LLC
Payment Record ID 701250675
02/07/2019 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Education $75.00 Details
Payment from Straumann USA LLC
Payment Record ID 701250673
03/05/2019 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $105.87 Details
Payment from Salvin Dental Specialties, Inc.
Payment Record ID 697064669
03/05/2019 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $78.08 Details
Payment from Salvin Dental Specialties, Inc.
Payment Record ID 697064667
02/12/2019 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $18.04 Details
Payment from BioHorizons Implant Systems Inc.
Payment Record ID 656839269
07/30/2019 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $37.00 Details
Payment from BioHorizons Implant Systems Inc.
Payment Record ID 656839177
09/23/2019 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $16.54 Details
Payment from BioHorizons Implant Systems Inc.
Payment Record ID 656839135
03/14/2018 General (Non-Research) Cash or cash equivalent Food and Beverage $90.78 Details
Payment from BIOLASE, INC.
Payment Record ID 567052745
10/12/2018 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $19.09 Details
Payment from BioHorizons Implant Systems Inc.
Payment Record ID 553639557
12/04/2018 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $18.22 Details
Payment from BioHorizons Implant Systems Inc.
Payment Record ID 553639551
11/08/2018 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $14.31 Details
Payment from BioHorizons Implant Systems Inc.
Payment Record ID 553639541
11/15/2018 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $12.77 Details
Payment from BioHorizons Implant Systems Inc.
Payment Record ID 553639533
02/16/2017 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $14.09 Details
Payment from DENTSPLY IH Inc.
Payment Record ID 505395529
11/15/2017 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $96.58 Details
Payment from Salvin Dental Specialties, Inc.
Payment Record ID 501699733
06/22/2017 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $83.77 Details
Payment from Salvin Dental Specialties, Inc.
Payment Record ID 501699731
11/17/2017 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $6.21 Details
Payment from Straumann USA LLC
Payment Record ID 495948381
06/01/2017 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $17.54 Details
Payment from Straumann USA LLC
Payment Record ID 495948379
06/01/2017 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $30.25 Details
Payment from Straumann USA LLC
Payment Record ID 495948377
06/06/2017 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $31.71 Details
Payment from Straumann USA LLC
Payment Record ID 495948373
04/13/2017 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $63.98 Details
Payment from Straumann USA LLC
Payment Record ID 495948369
06/01/2017 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $9.95 Details
Payment from Straumann USA LLC
Payment Record ID 495948367
01/25/2017 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $26.70 Details
Payment from Straumann USA LLC
Payment Record ID 495948363
06/02/2017 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Education $112.50 Details
Payment from Straumann USA LLC
Payment Record ID 495948361
06/02/2017 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $232.33 Details
Payment from Straumann USA LLC
Payment Record ID 495948357
03/28/2017 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Education $75.00 Details
Payment from Straumann USA LLC
Payment Record ID 495948351
09/28/2017 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $13.30 Details
Payment from Dexcel Pharma Technologies Ltd.
Payment Record ID 489018253
10/19/2017 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $15.67 Details
Payment from Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc.
Payment Record ID 447109105
07/24/2017 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $29.98 Details
Payment from Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc.
Payment Record ID 447109101
02/21/2017 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $122.57 Details
Payment from Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc.
Payment Record ID 447109097
11/21/2016 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $13.01 Details
Payment from Straumann USA LLC
Payment Record ID 409340172
01/25/2016 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Gift $46.35 Details
Payment from Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC
Payment Record ID 397608141
12/07/2016 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $14.56 Details
Payment from DENTSPLY IH AB
Payment Record ID 386551778
06/24/2016 General (Non-Research) In-kind items and services Food and Beverage $41.73 Details
Payment from BioHorizons Implant Systems Inc.
Payment Record ID 378699796